Kim Edward Brown
Born November 7, 1966 passed away on Saturday, January 17, 2015 at the age of 48 following a brain surgery for removal of a brain tumor.
He was the youngest son of June and Robert Brown. He was a truck driver for ShipEx. Truck driving was his passion, he loved working on cars, loved the outdoors. He was a adoring father, a loving fiancé and a great step father. Kim met Teresa Abram and they were together for 14 years, raised five kids together.
He is survived by June Brown (Mother), Teresa Abram (Fiancé), Kimberly Pierce (Daughter), Jaxson Pierce (Grandson), Jonathon Brown (Son), Dustin Benson (Grandson) Robert Brown (Son), William Gibson (Stepson), Jared Gibson (Stepson), Sarah Pensley (Step daughter), CJ Pendley (Step grandson), Paula Moosman (Sister), Michael Pell (Brother), Tammy Johns (Sister), Scott Brown (Brother), Richard Selman, who was his best friend/brother throughout his childhood.